layout: true --- # Parallel Processing ## Futures Korbinian Riedhammer --- # Threads ```java Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Hello from my custom thread!"); } }); t.start(); System.out.println("Hello from the application main thread!") System.out.println("Waiting for thread to complete..."); t.join(); System.out.println("All done."); ``` --- # Futures, Callables, Executor ```java interface Callable
{ V call(); } ``` ```java interface Future
{ T get(); // ... } ``` ```java interface ExecutorService { void execute(Runnable command);
task); // ... } ``` `ExecutorService`s provided by Java: ```java Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // reuses threads Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5); // use 5 threads ``` --- # Chaining with CompletableFuture ```java class CompletableFuture
implements CompletionStage
, Future
{ static
supplier) { // ... }
thenApplyAsync(Function super T, ? extends U> fn) { // ... }
thenAcceptAsync(Consumer super T> action) { // ... } CompletableFuture
fn) { // ... } // and much more... } ``` --- # Chaining with CompletableFuture ```java CompletableFuture> cf = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> "riko493:12345") .thenApplyAsync(creds -> { System.out.println("Authenticating with " + creds); return "secrettoken"; }) .thenApplyAsync(token -> { System.out.println("Retrieving status with token=" + token); return "in the mood for holidays"; }) .thenAccept(status -> System.out.println(status)) .exceptionally(ex -> { System.out.println("Oops, something went wrong: " + ex); return null; }); System.out.println("All done!"); ``` --- # Summary (1) Use threads to run code asynchronously and in parallel. - _asynchronously_ means the caller/delegator immediately continues execution after queueing the task - _parallel_ means that more than one method is executed at the same time; asynchronous methods are typcially executed in parallel. - use `join` to wait on threads to complete Be extra careful when threads _share resources_. - use thread-safe containers - protect critical sections with `synchronized` - minimize blocking time and avoid deadlocks with inter-thread communication (`wait`, `yield`, `notify`, `notifyAll`) --- # Summary (2) Use `Future` to retrieve results and handle exceptions within the threads. - `get()` will block until the thread has completed (and raise possible exception) - `cancel()` terminates the execution of the task - `isDone()` returns `true` if the task completed Use `CompletableFuture` for elegant asynchronous programming. - use `supplyAsync` to create a chainable `CompletableFuture` - use `thenApplyAsync` to transform intermediate results - use `thenAcceptAsyc` to consume final results (end of chain!) - use `thenCombineAsync` to join multiple `CompletableFuture` Use `ExecutorService`s when batch-processing large quantities of data, e.g. importing multiple files, scaling images, downloading resources, etc. --- .center[  ] .skip[ .center[Enjoy the holiday break!]]