layout: true --- # Design Patterns, pt. 3 ## Proxy, Adapter and Flyweight Korbinian Riedhammer --- # Proxy   --- # Proxy ## Variants **Remote** proxy (aka. _Ambassador_): Provides local proxy to remote object (different process or physical location) **Virtual** proxy: Creates expensive objects on demand; not to be confused with singleton (unique instance) **Protection** Proxy: controls access to the original object, e.g. read-only access that simulates write. --- # Proxy ## Examples Caching for network requests. Log output routing. Lazy initialization of expensive objects. Related: security facade; behaves like proxy, but hides error handling or authentication. --- # Proxy, Decorator and Composite ## Decorator Adds functionality without subclassing: one enclosed instance plus extra logic. ## Composite Models a recursive structure, such as user interface widgets: arbitrary number of enclosed instances, logic typically restricted to traversing the structure or specific to leaf classe. ## Proxy Mimics the original object (!) while adding access control or caching. --- # Adapter ## Class Adapter .skip[  ] --- # Adapter ## Object Adapter .skip[  ] Best choice if implementation of Adaptee unknown. --- # Flyweight Example HTML to render: ```html
``` --- # Flyweight A different example: ```html
``` --- # Flyweight  **Intrinsic state** becomes the _flyweight_. **Extrinsic state** managed by client; extrinsic state injected. --- # Flyweight ## Recipe 0. Do you create a lot of objects? 1. Identify what's _intrinsic_ and _extrinsic_ to your class. 2. Move intrinsic parts to _flyweight_, create factory. 3. Reduce original class to extrinsic parts ## Notes - The term _flyweight_ is misleading: it is _light_ in a sense of _less and static parts_, but often contains the "heavy" objects. - Often there is no `operation()`, but just a reference to a shared object. - The flyweight if often used in combination with the composite pattern (hence `operation()`) --- # Flyweight ## Examples Glyph (letter) rendering for text fields; intrinsic state: true-type fonts (often several MB), extrinsic state: position on screen, scale (size). Browser rendering the same media multiple times; intrinsic state: actual media (image, video, audio), extrinsic state: location on screen Android `RecyclerView`; intrinsic state: inflated layout of `RecycleView`, extrinsic state: actual contents to be displayed (often nested with further Flyweight). Video games rendering/tiling engines; intrinsic state: actual texture or tile, extrinsic state: 3D location and orientation --- # Summary of Design Patterns There is a total of 23 design patterns described by Gamma _et al._ ## Creational Patterns - Factory and factory method - Singleton --- # Summary of Design Patterns ## Structural Patterns - Adapter - Composite - Decorator - Flyweight - Proxy --- # Summary of Design Patterns ## Behavioral Patterns - Command - Iterator - Observer - State - Strategy - Template method