layout: true --- .skip[ # Softwarearchitektur ] .skip[ Prof. Dr.-Ing. Korbinian Riedhammer ] --- # Introduction - Software Architecture: mandatory class for CS majors - materials - - Github organization: (BIO) - English! ☺ - slides, lecture notes, assignments (with READMEs) - class: Montays at **11.30a** in HQ.007, starting Oct 2 (updated Oct 1) - tutorials: - Mondays at *9.45a* in HQ.406, starting Oct 19. - Thursdays at *9.45* in HW.209, starting Oct 23. - _nota bene: assignments typically take longer than 90'!_ ??? Materialien auf Englisch, Vorlesung aber auf Deutsch. Github orga ist closed/BIO--by invitation only Office hours: Übungen können die meisten nicht in 90' Programmieren. --- # Credits (Leistungsnachweis) - written exam (90') at the end of the term - you may bring three (3) pages notes (stapled and signed) - you must sign up for the exam - theoretical and coding questions --- # Review (what you should know by now!) ## Prozedurale Programmierung - imperative programming - constants, variables, expressions, functions, I/O - basic data structures (fields, arrays, lists) - pointers ☺ ## Objektorientierte Programmierung - OOP, classes and objects (and references! ☺) - basic data structures (lists, maps, etc.) - interfaces and inheritance - errors, exceptions and how to deal with them --- # Agenda for Software Architecture See (Syllabus) - modularity and component based development - UML, mostly class, component and sequence diagrams - programming patterns: idioms, design, architecture - assignments: tools and toolkits Assignments are one week "behind". --- # About this Class ### I'd like you to become better programmers ### Some slides, but mostly hands-on live coding (plus lecture notes!) .skip[ All examples are found in the `/examples/` directory of the [site's repository]( ] --- # A note on (programming) languages - class materials are in English (so is most of the internet/SO) - examples are (mostly) in Java... - ...but translate to C#, C++, Python, Scala, etc. - we'll focus on the concept, not the language --- # Software Architecture a craft. - takes practice - takes patience - takes diligence - takes experience --- # A word on GPT .center[  ] - Yes, GPT will produce correct code for most of the common programming problems - Yes, you should use GPT. - The point is: you need to understand what the use case requires, and then find the right coding concept. --- # Don't be that guy... .center[  ] .right[
] --- # Speaking of `goto` ## Why would you use `goto`? ## Is it possible in C#? ## Is it possible in Java? ??? c#: yes, emulate while, break outer loops Java: no; but break out of outer loops with labelled loops and labeled break/continue --- .center[
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] --- # Agenda today 1. What is software architecture? 2. What is abstraction? 3. What is decomposition? 4. Clean Code 5. Tools --- # Software Architecture Thoughts? --- # Software Architecture ## Complexity - Ideal: linear process (analysis, draft, implementation, test, maintenance) - Constrained by: features, budget, time - Real world: somethings changes along the way... ## Architecture - Result of the software development process - Components, systems, subsystems, etc. - V-model, agile, ..., typically recurrent at some stage --- # Abstraction Thoughts? --- # Abstraction ## high level → low level - drive to the airport - → go straight, right, straight, left, ... - →→ clutch, brake, ignition, put in drive, ... .skip[ - reduce complexity by removing details - goal: model a system from a specific point of view ] ??? see: H. Stachowiak: Allgemeine Modelltheorie, Springer Verlag, 1973 --- # Abstraction ## Example: programming - hardware instructions - assembler (low-level) - c, fortran, java (high-level) - code generators --- # Decomposition Thoughts? --- # Stepwise Refinement > [...] a sequence of design decisions concerning the decomposition of a task into subtasks and of data into data structures N. Wirth, "[Program Development by Stepwise Refinement](", Comm. ACM, 1971 → break problem down in simpler problems until solvable --- # Functional Decomposition - Thoughts follow the process - Bottom-up/top-down ### Example: Withdraw cash at ATM - insert debit card - enter pin - select amount - process cash - ... --- # Object Oriented Decomposition > it is almost always incorrect to begin the decomposition of a system into modules on the basis of a flowchart. We propose instead that one begins with a list of difficult design decisions or design decisions which are likely to change. Each module is then designed to hide such a decision from the others. Since, in most cases, design decisions transcend time of execution, modules will not correspond to steps in the processing. D.L. Parnas, "[On the Criteria used in Decomposing Systems into Modules](", Comm. ACM, 1972 ### Modularization and Encapsulation > Every module [...] is characterized by its knowledge of a design decision which it hides from all others. Its interface or definition was chosen to reveal as little as possible about its inner workings. → Coherence and loose/tight coupling ??? probably one of the reasons OOP became so popular... --- # Some Guidelines for Good (OO) Architecture ## High Cohesion, Low Coupling There should be high cohesion within classes and packages, but low coupling between objects and across packages. ## Law of Demeter In simple words: "Each unit should have only limited knowledge about other units: only units "closely" related to the current unit.". K. Liebherr, I. Holland and A. Riel: "[Object-oriented programming: an objective sense of style](", Proc. OOPSLA, 1988 ## High Fan-In, Low Fan-Out --- # A Bit of "Historic" Context - early days of programming (pre 60s!) focused on procedures - the 1970s layed the ground work (see previously cited papers!) - 1970: Smalltalk (Xerox PARC; object oriented language) - 1973: ML (U Edinburgh; functional language) - 90s and 2000s: OOP widely taught as "gold standard", FP often considered "academic" - 2010s and onwards: heavy parallelization reintroduced FP (almost hype!) - "old" languages introduce functional elements (Java, C++, ...) - Scala - Actor frameworks, e.g. Akka --- # Clean Code
--- # Clean Code - Choose good naming conventions - Methods should be short, concise and with few paramters - Comments only where needed; rewrite bad code - Java conventions? - [Google Java Format]( - [Elasticsearch]( - Please read "Clean Code" by Prof. Tavakoli (`Teams > General > Files`) --- # Tools - Your preferred search engine - Your preferred interactive generative information system*) - [Stack Overflow]( - [Java documentation]( - JetBrains [IntelliJ](, Community Edition (free!*) - [Git version control]( *) Mind you: assignments are not mandatory — copying a solution typically has zero benefit