Software Architecture

Required class for CS majors at the Technische Hochschule Nürnberg. — Pflichtmodul im Bachelorstudiengang Informatik an der Technischen Hochschule Nürnberg.

Class Schedule

Lecture: Mondays at 9.45a in HW.307, starting Mar 24: Class, mostly live coding (interaction appreciated :-).

Tutorials: We’ll work on the assignments based on the preceding week’s lecture, so bring your laptop! Tutorials start Mar 25.

Announcements and Discussions: Teams, enrollment key: b1f92iq

Note: Materials will be in English, the lectures/tutorials will be taught in German; the written exam will be German (you may answer in English).

Class and Credits (Leistungsnachweis)

Lectures: Not your classic lecture— we’ll work together on concrete problems and their solution. The class will be taught in German, the materials are mostly in English.

Tutorials and assignments: Pair programming preferred, BYOD strongly recommended; nota bene: assignments typically take longer than 90’ to complete!

Credits: written exam (90’) at the end of the semester.

Additional Materials

See General Channel on Teams > Files.


# Chapter Materials Description
1 Introduction slides, assignments We talk about software architecture, abstraction, decomposition and good software design. We also review the tools and resources that you’ll need for this class.
2 Classes and Interfaces Revisited slides, lecture notes, assignments We look at different types of classes (inner, anonymous, local, static), when to use them, and which visibility for which purpose. Also: @FunctionalInterface and lambda expressions.
3 Inheritance Revisited slides, lecture notes, assignments We talk about abstract and final classes, (pure) virtual functions and defaults. Also, when (and how) to use abstract base classes, and how the Decorator pattern can be used to add functionality to existing classes.
4 Mixins, pt. 1; Generics, pt. 1 slides, lecture notes, assignments After a short digression to Mixins, we dig into the details of how generics work in Java, and how to apply them to data structures and algorithms.
5 Mixins, pt. 2; Generics, pt. 2 slides, lecture notes, assignments We’ll review Mixins and see how to use generics to make them stateful. Generics and inheritance need special attention, and will lead us to bounds and wildcards.
6 Reflection and Annotations slides, lecture notes, assignments Learn how reflection works in Java, and how they enable annotations by using examples of testing (JUnit5), serialization (gson) and networking (retrofit).
7 Design Patterns, pt. 1 slides, lecture notes, assignments: JavaFX (recommended) or Android (advanced) We begin with a few basic patterns: composite, iterator and observer, and use that to dive into Android and MVC/MVVC.
8 Design Patterns, pt. 2 slides, lecture notes, assignments: JavaFX or Android We look at more every-day-patterns: singleton, factory, strategy and command.
9 Design Patterns, pt. 3 slides, lecture notes, assignments: JavaFX, Android We round up a few more useful patterns: proxy and adapter to make other peoples’ modules fit your needs, and flyweight to save on precious memory in (mostly) graphical apps.
10 Parallel Processing slides, lecture notes, assignments: JavaFX, Android Because sometimes, you need to work on more than one thing at a time! We’ll look at threads and how to control and synchronize them.
11 Asynchronous Programming slides, lecture notes, assignments: CLI, Android User interfaces often require us to work not only in parallel, but to do so in an asynchronous way. Learn about a better Future for asynchronous or concurrent workloads, and what promise chaining can do for you.
12 Introduction to Functional Programming slides, lecture notes, assignments Leave your imperative and objected oriented programming comfort zone and follow me down the rabbit hole of functional programming. After some theory, we’ll do some basic exercises, including filter, map and forEach.
13 Functional Programming in Java slides, lecture notes, assignments We’ll talk about the specifics (and limits) of functional programming in Java. Learn about the classes and interfaces used for Java’s functional parts, and the more sophisticated stream reduction using reduce and collect.
14 Patterns of Modern Software Architecture slides We’re wrapping up the semester by talking about patterns of modern software architecture, such as dependency injection or microservices.

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